Monday, June 13, 2011


I like this new blog. I like reflecting on the day and thinking about all of the great, and not so great, moments that came fleeting by. Those moments I normally wouldn't even have noticed, that would have come and gone without a glance or a second thought. Happily, neither Ethan nor Cami, nor H for that matter, seem to mind the constant attention of my iPhone and are willing to let me snap away at them. I suppose they're used to it by now anyway. Being here is always such a welcome rest for me. It still astounds me every time we come how much of my time and energy is freed up (for indulgences such as this blog), when I drop housework, and the rut of routine, from my daily itinerary. How much happier and healthier I feel, physically, emotionally and mentally. How much more meaningful the day becomes and how much more present, patient and playful I can be. And I'm pretty sure that both Cami and Ethan, and H for that matter, notice it too.

I found the troops outside when I came back from my run this morning. They were on the swing, swinging, in what initially appeared to be ordinary swinging fashion. However, when I looked closer, and remembered to whom I was married, I saw that this was no proper swinging at all. They had dragged the large plastic slide next to the highly suspended swing, (for additional height and speed), and were swinging in pairs like monkeys in jungle trees, hooting and screeching and all. And then, if that wasn't enough, daddy decided that Ethan should be catapulted from the swing and proceeded to push belly down Ethan with all his might into thin air (hence the title of this blog, "dada-pult"). Thankfully Ethan has a good sense of adventure and no one was injured.

We spent the afternoon lounging around, swimming in the pool, and taking a walk to the nearby playground. Ethan had a big fit when Camryn refused to follow his lead in play. To my delight, two little girls watching the scene dramatically covered their ears with their hands, stared and giggled, and gave Ethan the much deserved and necessary feedback so that I didn't have to. I think this may have been his first brush with real embarrassment. He shut up and we had a lovely rest of the afternoon. Thank you girls.

Dinner was a delicious feast of sushi and other Asian treats followed by red bean ice cream. Not sure I would order it again, but the kids seemed to enjoy it!

As usual, when Camryn disappeared for more than a few minutes in the evening, I began the search and rescue effort. I found her in the bathroom, dressed in Ethan's bathing suit, standing in the dog's water bowl. When questioned about her strange behavior, she answered simply, "I'm swimming".

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