Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rosh Hashanah

This morning, before services, I overheard this conversation:

E: "Ok, breakfast and then it's time to go and talk to God!"

C: "But I'm too shy of him!"

E: "Don't worry Cami, he's way way up in the sky!"

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Touch a Truck

Despite the hot and humid day, the blazing sun, and the deafening horns and alarms, we had a great time at Truck Day.  The kids got to climb behind the wheel of a big rig, touch the scoop of a digger and see the inside of an ambulance, fire truck, school bus, police car and more!  Cami, who was pretty whiny today, still loved walking up and down a moving truck ramp;  and Ethan, well he was just beside himself, running madly from truck to truck, some part of him definitely believing that it was all real.  And while I couldn't have been happier when 1pm finally came around and trucks started to go, some part of me, (albeit not a big part), definitely wished Ethan could have just a few more minutes.


Ethan has been playing soccer this fall.  He's not terribly excited by it, nor does he show any particular talent (I'm being very kind), but he likes the cleats and the girls, and he sure does look cute in the outfit!

Camryn, on the other hand, is obviously gifted.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


After some serious resistance at home, hiding under the seat in the car, and even a few tears, Ethan finally made it into his kindergarten classroom, Ms. Doyle's room 111.  Luckily, most of the drama is just for our benefit, so as soon as he saw a familiar face (Ava's) and an interesting activity (a train floor puzzle), he was off.  After the parent's coffee in the cafeteria (which is still serving the same exact nutritionally void menu it did when I was in school), I had a peek into the classroom and saw a happy and engaged Ethan.  I walked the ten minutes with Coco to pick him up a few hours later (which was a huge improvement to our hour long commute of last year), and was greeted by a boy with a huge grin.  He tried to tell me he had a terrible day, but I can tell he loved it.  

Here is his forced photo shoot:
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Camryn's First Day of School!

Camryn went to school today.  Parents got to stay and watch.  I am mixed emotionally.  Very mixed.  Don't even want to say more than that at the moment.  I think I must be in shock.  She seemed to really like it, but I'm not sure that I'll be able to leave her tomorrow.

Lika's Wedding

 More to come......

Monday, September 5, 2011


Here's Ethan working on the Montessori Squaring Chains. I made this set myself so they're not as beautiful as the glass ones, but they work. They teach linear and skip counting and numeral recognition. Ethan really loves this work, and I do too.

YouTube Video

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The way I see it, this is the only downside to having mostly girls in our neighborhood.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Nani and Grandpa's 55th Anniversary Party

It was yet another scrumptious evening at Nani and Grandpa's favorite restaurant, La Panetiere, where we celebrated their 55th anniversary as well as Grandpa's 85th birthday.  The room was so lovely, decorated in the style of Provence and set in a beautiful old house built in the 1800's.  French doors opened up to a sweet balcony where we sipped wine and savored French delicacies.  The three-course meal was delicious, and long, but even a totally exhausted Ethan managed to make it to the well-worth-it dessert.  Cami had great fun sitting at a separate table with all of her big cousins, while Ethan preferred my lap, but the highlight of the evening for all of the children was watching three baby raccoons who appeared on the balcony (behind our bench!) early on and stayed through dinner.

There were sentimental, tender, gushing and even silly toasts spoken, and to everyone's delight (but mostly his own) Ethan clinked a wine glass with his spoon and hammed it up, repeatedly.  His final toast, at eleven o'clock, "Let's go home!" called an official end to the evening.  I never make public toasts, but if I had, I would have said something like this: Grandpa, at eighty-five, is as warm, witty, charming, and entirely as adorable as he was when I met him at seventy-seven.  And whether he's telling dirty jokes or making prank phone calls, his sense of humor bubbles like a teenager's.  I wonder which played the biggest role -- genetics, upbringing, hard work, planetary alignment...  Whatever it was, the end result is an extraordinary man with a remarkable story (you'll have to read his memoir for details) who has achieved great success in every aspect of his life.  He has traveled the globe, helped, healed and profoundly touched the lives of millions; met some of the most interesting and important people in the world, and has been blessed with good health and happiness (knock on H's head).  He planted, cultivated and raised a large and happy family that continues to grow and blossom around him.  HIS BIGGEST, MOST IMPORTANT SUCCESS, OF COURSE, IS NANI!

Everything was possible for him because his magical Camilla was always by his side. Never ever ever EVER have I met a more selfless, more compassionate, more kind, more generous, more thoughtful, more lovely human being than Nani (well, maybe my husband, but that's her doing, too!).  Devoting herself entirely to the happiness, comfort and support of everyone who crosses her path (and for the past fifty-five years Grandpa's been taking up most of that path), putting everyone ahead of herself, always...  Words just don't cut it here.  Nani is more beautiful than her most exquisite orchid, and it's no wonder that Grandpa loves her as much today as he did the moment he met her.  And no matter how many times he tells us the story of their first meeting, how for him it was love at first sight and how he had to steal her away from a serious boyfriend...  No matter how many times, we never tire of listening, because a love story like theirs happens once in a thousand years.