Saturday, September 10, 2011


After some serious resistance at home, hiding under the seat in the car, and even a few tears, Ethan finally made it into his kindergarten classroom, Ms. Doyle's room 111.  Luckily, most of the drama is just for our benefit, so as soon as he saw a familiar face (Ava's) and an interesting activity (a train floor puzzle), he was off.  After the parent's coffee in the cafeteria (which is still serving the same exact nutritionally void menu it did when I was in school), I had a peek into the classroom and saw a happy and engaged Ethan.  I walked the ten minutes with Coco to pick him up a few hours later (which was a huge improvement to our hour long commute of last year), and was greeted by a boy with a huge grin.  He tried to tell me he had a terrible day, but I can tell he loved it.  

Here is his forced photo shoot:
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