Monday, November 14, 2011


We had a very full and busy weekend,  it's no wonder both kids are fast asleep and it's only 7pm Sunday night.  Friday was Veteran's Day, so instead of school, we were thrilled to have a visit from our dear friend Jenn who was in town for business from NYC.  She arrived just in time for breakfast, so we had to have our most special (and most messy) Nutella Treat.  Jenn seemed to enjoy it as much as E and C did.

Saturday we went skating for the first time this season.  Ethan had a terribly difficult time accepting that he would have to work to remember how to skate from last year and was very unhappy to fall, repeatedly.  He finally gave up and demanded to go home.  I so hope the next times goes more smoothly for him.  Cami, on the other hand, was amazing, and actually "skated" on her own for a few seconds at a time.  She's a real trooper and the more she fell, the more she laughed.

Sunday, we decided it was a nice enough day to take a bus trip into Harvard Square and visit our favorite playground on the common.  The buses run slowly on Sundays so while we waited for what felt like an eternity, we had time for two trips to the pizza shop.  The kids loved eating lunch outside on a bench, and Ethan was so excited when I let him go in alone the second time and order the slices himself.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ants on a Log



We have managed to get some good work done and it's been wonderful to watch both kids so excited to learn!

Writing with the Movable Alphabet

The Bank Game (Montessori Decimal System Material)

Tens and Units

Hundreds too

So careful

Meanwhile Camryn polishes a silver box

And polishes

Box is sparkling!

Moving on to thousands

And moving on to scooping beans

Almost done

I did it!

Beading and Grapes
