Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bad Month

October 2011 was almost as bad as October 2008 (when I was admitted to Beth Israel Hospital on bed rest with Camryn). Ethan had more doctor visits this month than in all the previous months of his life combined; three with his primaries, Drs. Gupta and Mahoney, two with allergists Dr. Bingham and Dr. Baxi, one each with pulmonologist Dr. Karash and ENT Dr. Whittmore, two trips to the ER, a visit to GI specialist Dr. Rafaelle, and even an appointment with genetics/metabolism expert Dr. James. And let's not forget the dentist!

Chest x-rays, countless blood draws, hours of waiting... Though Ethan hasn't been feeling well, he's been very, very brave. I, on the other hand, have been a wreck. After his first-ever stomach virus, Ethan had a lip/face swelling episode that scared us half to death. For a week we lived with a POSSIBLE diagnosis of HAE (hereditary angioedema). Very unpleasant. Thank goodness the test results were negative and he doesn't have it!!! I was sure he did, of course, while H was sure he didn't. The week of waiting was excruciating, but what a relief when it was over.

Times like these, while horrifying, remind us that nothing matters as much as good health, and we shouldn't waste a moment sweating the small stuff.

Here are some highlights:

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