Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Disappearing Snapping Turtle

Ever since I learned that Arnorld's Ice Cream, voted "Best of Cape Cod" for 1000 years running, was a three minute ride via bike path, I have been planning to take Ethan on a secret, soft-serve date. I intended to tell no one, not even Daddy, but when Cami fell asleep right after her lunch today (while Ethan was still eating), everything just seemed to fall into place...and I couldn't leave H behind after all. I told Ethan that he would get a big surprise if he finished everything on his plate, and--since he is basically a reward-powered MACHINE--he finished his sandwich fast!

Ethan was thrilled to learn that his surprise was more than just a bike ride, but, since riding along with me on the new "trail-a-bike" is his favorite thing EVER, he pretty much swallowed his chocolate cone whole to get back on the path. We rode for as long Daddy's 'boys' could handle it, then turned around toward home to Ethan's immense (and vocal) disappointment.

A few minutes into our return trip, we noticed a huge gray..something...on the side of the road. We pulled over, identified the creature as a snapping turtle, and determined that since there was nothing but highway between him and the nearest pond, he was either... (hold on, asking H for something funny to put here...okay...-->) 1. Paralyzed by the speed at which human civilization is spreading; 2. Exhausted by his own stupidity; or, 3. Nesting on a tube of Super Glue.

Having recently pulled off the highway to escort a grasshopper off our windshield, we knew we had to save this guy, too. Ethan was so passionate about getting that turtle home! It was nice to see him care about someone other than himself for a change. We decided to zip home for some kind of box/crate in which to transport him, then zip back. As we rode away, we passed some young boys hooting and hollering on their bikes. H said, "They're going to take him. I should stay and protect him.". I said, "Nah. He'll be fine." And we rode on. It took us less than five minutes to get the laundry basket from the basement and return. But the turtle was gone. The only possible explanation, of course, is the young punks.

Is the lesson 'You don't get to be as OLD as H without picking up a LITTLE bit of wisdom'?

Nah. Must be something else.

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