Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hildi's 50!

We are back in New York celebrating Hildi's 50th birthday. Arthur, Jani and Taz flew in from Florida, Stephen, Kate and Camilla from Washington, and Andrea and Emilia took buses from D.C.. It's been a long time since we've all been together, Stephen's 50th several years ago I think, so it's a real treat. Including Nani and Grandpa, Hildi's pack (Rich, Hildi, Rebecca, Jesse and Julia) and us, we are twelve adults and seven children, although Rebecca is quickly morphing into the adult category. Growing up in a family of just three, with no siblings and only one cousin (hundreds of miles away), I had a very different childhood experience. These kids are so lucky! Though it's difficult, if not impossible, for me to identify with the relationship of siblings, I'm getting to experience the extended family dynamics now, and I'm finding it really wonderful to be part of such a large and loyal group. Even the inherent Rosenfeld family drama is more cute than catastrophic.

As we sit in the pool and I watch all the kids play, I imagine them grown, with their own children, and how they will gather for family occasions. How Ethan will stress when his child is learning to swim and how Julia will tell him not to worry. They will be so many!!! I am so happy that they all have each other in this life. And while I can't imagine having another pregnancy, or another child for that matter, being a part of this now, I understand that Nani and Grandpa did it right by having four. I'm always amazed by how Ethan and Cami, who usually take a while to warm to a new situation, are immediately at ease with their cousins and aunts and uncles (whom they don't get to see THAT often), and by the adults, too, who don't correspond as much as we should (day to day), but pick up as if no time has gone by and function in this big house as if we always live here together. Sometimes I wish we lived on a kibbutz or some kind of 'commune.' A totally primal feeling, it gives me the insight that not only is more children better, but more adults to raise them is even better still. So much more love, attention and discipline. A much richer, much more layered environment. So many more lessons, so many more teachers to give them. Ethan had an 'incident' with uncle Arthur that I won't go into here, but suffice it to say that Ethan learned a great lesson, and Arthur gained a friend and admirer for life.

I think it's nice for Ethan and Camryn to be the youngest of the bunch; they get so much attention! Ethan has not left the pool other than for meals in the two days we've been here, and Taz and Camilla have been looking after him the entire time. Camryn The Cutie has everyone under her spell, and she is constantly being held, hugged, kissed and coddled by someone.

Arthur and Jani brought their new baby, a one-pound chihuahua named Pasha. Since the Rosenfelds are all crazy dog lovers, everyone is fighting over the adorable pup, but Camryn is definitely the most devoted. In her words, "I wish we could have a little Pasha at my house." He is so damn cute! Will we be compelled to get another one??? Fingers crossed that we resist!

Hildi's dinner party was prepared by Rebecca's best friend, Chef Andy. It was a yummy gourmet feast and Ethan really enjoyed watching the prep in the kitchen that went on all day. Not sure what was more intriguing for him, watching the chickens being deboned, stuffed and sewn back together with a giant metal hook OR watching the sugar bowls being made like beautiful blown-glass sculptures. No question he preferred eating the bowls. And he insisted on sitting next to his first real crush, Emilia, again, as he has for every meal since she arrived. Poor Nani was crushed by his betrayal. After dinner we went to see some spectacular fireworks nearby. Cami was pretty freaked out and I had to take her back to the car and plug her ears with my fingers until they were over. I'm sure she'll grow to love them eventually.

Hildi turned 50 so gracefully and beautifully. I can only hope to be half of everything that she is when it's my turn (in 25 years). I feel so close to her; I guess I'm beginning to understand what a sister feels like after all.

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